Friday, June 27, 2008

New Balmoral

The mail man delivered my Navy Blue Balmoral from glengarryhats today, I am still trying to get used to it as I am not much of a hat person, however I did want something to put the new X-Marks Clan Badge on, this also explains the colour choice I made. Unfortunately my Clan Badge has not shown up as yet, but when it does I'll be ready.

I ordered a 7 1/4" Balmoral as this is the size of my other hats, I've found it to be a bit tight fitting this may be due to the fact that as I said I'm not much of a hat person. Once the X-Marks Clan Badge arrives I will of course get pictures of it and most likely wear the X-Marks Tartan Kilt as well.

It is as far as I can tell a very well made Balmoral and if I do need to have another I will order from Glengarry Hats again, you just need a wee bit of patience but it is well worth it in the end. Here is a hastily taken self portrait.

1 comment:

Duchess McKinnon said...

Oh I just LOVE the Balmoral! It does look spiffy!