Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday and Aunt Jean again

I am going up to my Aunt's again today, we are getting rid of some unwanted clothes, for both of us at Goodwill. As for the outfit today I was inspired by The Wizard of BC, another member of the kilt wearers forum
to try the Isle of Skye kilt with brown accessories, I've owned this kilt for over a year now and it remains a favourite but I never thought of pairing it up with brown hose etc. I really like the way it looks as the Isle of Skye is a subtle tartan the subdued tones of the brown hose, leathers, and Argyll really do work well for smart day-wear.

So for the details of the outfit, I am wearing my Isle of Skye 16oz 8 yard kilt, Lochcarron brown hose, lovat green garter ties from the Scottish Tartan Museum, My Brown Harris Tweed Argyll, the tie I'm wearing is an interesting wool one I found at my local tartan shop. The Sporran is my Thorfinn Sporran with a matching Isle of Skye flap, and the sgian dubh is from the Sgian Dubh co.

1 comment:

Tattoo Bradley said...

I knew this reminded me of someone. It really is a smart look, and all your thoughts are spot on.